
€1.25 million Collaboration and Innovation Fund launched

March 08, 2024

Funding for projects that support adults with unmet literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy needs.

Details of a new Collaboration and Innovation Fund for were announced this week by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Simon Harris TD.

The aim of the Fund is to support collaborative and innovative projects that enable adults with unmet literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy needs to fully engage in society and realise their potential.

Organisations that work in the public, not-for-profit, community and voluntary sector can apply for up to €25,000 to fund a local project, or up to €50,000 for a national project. A minimum of two organisations working in partnership is required to apply for the Fund.

In 2024, the total funding available in the Collaboration and Innovation Fund is €1.25 million. €1 million is available to fund local projects in any county in Ireland. €0.25 million is available to fund national projects that have a have a wider, national scope.

The Collaboration and Innovation Fund is an initiative of the Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Strategy – a 10 year, whole-of-government and society strategy dedicated to ensuring that everyone has the literacy to meet their needs, and that literacy is valued and supported at every level of society.

The closing date to apply is Thursday 4 April 2024.

The Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) office in collaboration with SOLAS launched the call for applications to the 2024 Collaboration and Innovation Fund.

Minister Harris said: "I am delighted to launch the 2024 Collaboration and Innovation Fund. Last year, the Fund was a huge success with over 50 innovative projects that supported individuals with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. We know that accessing literacy supports can be very difficult for people. There is often a stigma attached to not being able to read, write, or participate in the world online. What is really magic about this Fund is that it supports projects that often inject fun into learning those essential skills. That can mean improving reading and writing skills through the joy of cooking or learning new digital skills."

In Ireland, more than 500,000 people have unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. This means they may be unable to fill in a form, vote, read instructions on medicines, add up a bill, help kids with homework or search the web for information. This can negatively impact their confidence and prevent them from participating fully in society. The aim of the Adult Literacy for Life Strategy and the Collaboration and Innovation Fund is to ensure that no one is excluded, isolated, or stigmatised because of unmet literacy, numeracy, or digital literacy needs.

The Collaboration and Innovation Fund hopes to support ambitious and collaborative partnerships that promote adult literacy in 2024.

Further information about how to apply for Collaboration and Innovation Fund can be found on

The closing date to apply is Thursday 4 April 2024.