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Adult Literacy Awareness Training for staff working with individuals recovering from addiction

Adult literacy awareness training for addiction response workers.


" The course was interesting. It reinforced prior learning and introduced new topics.” Quote from participant

This project provided adult literacy awareness training to addiction response staff. Classes took place in Crumlin College between October and November 2023.

Training allowed staff from various organisations to share their experiences and learn from each other. 12 learners attended classes which covered topics like diversity and inclusion, trauma-informed education, and digital literacy provision.  

This literacy programme is the first to target addiction recovery services. It gave participants an invaluable opportunity to build relationships for future collaboration. 

“Sharing work experiences in sessions was very helpful to improve my own work experience.” Quote from participant

This project is the result of a collaboration between Turas Training Ltd, Casadh, Addiction Response Crumlin, and the Adult Education Service in Crumlin. 

For more information, please contact Andrew Connolly, City of Dublin Regional Literacy Coordinator at  

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