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Digital Literacy for Disadvantaged Learners

Providing digital literacy training to marginalized groups in Cork city.

Course Participants

"Craig was a fantastic tutor, had great amount of patience as I came into this course knowing very little. He had no problem explaining something over and over till we understood. The class was also fun and I made friends." Quote from participant

This project provided digital literacy training to disadvantaged groups. It improved their life skills, employment prospects, and confidence. It encouraged learners to re-train, upskill, and return to work or education.

Two classes took place in Churchfield and Northside Community Enterprises (NCE) Farranferris every week between September and December 2023. 30 people attended 60 classes overall.

Coordinators created a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere that allowed learners to make new friends and learn basic computer skills. An experienced IT instructor developed a course that met the needs of every participant. Some learners are now employed thanks to this course.   

Course participants.

“Craig is a fantastic tutor, very knowledge, patient and kind.” Quote from participant

This project was the result of a collaboration between Northside Community Enterprises, Churchfield Community Trust, and Cork Education and Training Board (CETB).

For more information, please contact Sinead Maloney, Cork Regional Literacy Coordinator at  

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