Pavee Peck
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
Activities took place in Ait na nDaoine Community Project House, Dundalk Media Centre, Dundalk FM studios, and the Dundalk Carnbeg Accommodation Centre for International Protection Applicants.
40 IPAs attended creative writing classes, numeracy classes, digital workshops, and media literacy workshops between August and December 2023. Learners published stories and poems, broadcast 12 bilingual radio programmes, and explored Ireland’s literary heritage.
This project had a very positive impact on learner's functional literacy. Project activities covered reading, writing, pronunciation, and speaking skills, as well as critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
For more information, please contact Niamh McShane, Louth and Meath Regional Literacy Coordinator at nmcshane@lmetb.ie
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
The Collaboration and Innovation Fund supports projects for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs and projects that support organisations to be literacy friendly. The closing date for 2024 applications has now passed but keep an eye out for information on our 2025 fund which will be launched in December.