Pavee Peck
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
This project developed a Family Learning Programme in Tipperary Town to support Traveller parents, grandparents, and caregivers. It significantly improved their literacy skills and confidence in family life and learning.
The project took place in Tipperary Town, with sessions running on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm, starting from August 2023. Twenty children (aged 5 -12), supported by their parents, attended the sessions.
This project helped Traveller families with homework and provided access to literacy resources. Project partners included community workers, schools, libraries, and local resource centres. Each partner contributed to different aspects of the project, from organising sessions to providing resources and support.
The project addressed several objectives of the ALL Strategy. It supported children and young people, encouraged collaboration, and provided innovative approaches to literacy support for the Traveller community. It linked closely with the Family Learning project run by the Tipperary Rural Traveller Project in Cashel.
It was a project run in collaboration between Knockanrawley Resource Centre, South Tipperary Development Company and the Tipperary Rural Traveller Project in Cashel. The project received funding to continue through the Children and Young People’s Committee during 2024.
For more information, please contact Ester Mackey, Regional Literacy Coordinator at TETB, at emackey@tipperaryetb.ie
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
The Collaboration and Innovation Fund supports projects for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs and projects that support organisations to be literacy friendly. The closing date for 2024 applications has now passed but keep an eye out for information on our 2025 fund which will be launched in December.