Pavee Peck
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
This project addressed unmet literacy needs among asylum seekers through cooking. 28 learners coming from varied linguistic backgrounds attended the culinary course. Tutors also taught basic literacy to learners who had no written language skills, either in English or their native languages.
Classes took place between November and December 2023. Digital literacy classes took place in Galway City Partnership, while cooking classes took place in the Ballybane Industrial Estate.
Classes were taught through English, which helped participants’ conversational skills. Learners also wrote weekly evaluations about their cooking classes, which improved their writing skills. They used digital tools like Canva and Microsoft Word to create a recipe book as well. The cookbook has been professionally printed.
Participants were delighted to develop a well-rounded skillset. Each learner earned a QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) qualification in Culinary Operations and a certificate.
"The impact of the program was profound, leading to noticeable transformations in many key areas. Beyond technical skills, there was a boost in confidence and enthusiasm among the participants.” Tutor
For more information contact Bernadette Smith, Regional Literacy Coordinator for Galway Roscommon ETB on bernadette.smith@gretb.ie
A collection of recipes and stories by Traveller women
The Collaboration and Innovation Fund supports projects for adults with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs and projects that support organisations to be literacy friendly. The closing date for 2024 applications has now passed but keep an eye out for information on our 2025 fund which will be launched in December.