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Neidin Le Cheile

Digital and English literacy courses for senior adults and non-English speakers.

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“I can WhatsApp my family now anytime I want." Quote from participant

This project provided English classes and digital literacy courses to non-English speakers and senior adults. At first, tutors aimed to teach learners how to use mobile phones and other devices. However, since many learners did not speak English, the Kenmare Family Resource Centre (FRC) also organized English classes.

Classes took place between July and December 2023 in Kenmare FRC, the Adult Education Centre, and Pobal Scoil Inbhear Sceine. Digital skills courses took place twice per week. Seven tutors also ran English classes for six weeks. 12 learners attended the digital skills course and 81 learners attended English classes.  

Learners were delighted to take part in these courses. Many are attending cooking and arts and crafts classes now, while others hope to attend basic computer courses in future.


This project was the result of a collaboration between Kenmare Family Resource Centre, South Kerry Development Partnership, and Kerry Education and Training Board (KETB).

For more information, please contact Paula Tiller, City of Dublin Regional Literacy Coordinator at

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